Saturday, January 31, 2015

Spy vs. Spy

How would we have ever won the Cold War without the contributions of our television and film spies to rally us around the flag?

"The name is Bond. James Bond."
The original is still the greatest.

"I am not a number. I am a free man!"
(Wanna bet?)
The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan as Number 6 (or was he Number 1?) in this allegorical take on a man's (albeit a very special man) struggle for freedom in an Orwellian society. 
This one was so weird it stands up to viewing today.

"There's a man who lives a life of danger"
Yup. It's that Prisoner fella again, Patrick McGoohan, King of the TV spies. 

The Man From United Network Command for Law Enforcement
"In New York City, on a street in the East 40's, there's an ordinary tailor shop. Or, is it ordinary?"

These Missions were impossible. (My spies tell me that this show was sponsored by the CIA. Shhh.) 
 Dum, Dum, Dum, Dum, Dum, Dum.

We saw Bill Cosby kiss a woman (no snide comments, here). It was a significant moment for television and after all, it was only acting), but did anyone ever see Robert Culp actually swing a tennis raquet?

The Saint starring Roger Moore. 
After his mercifully brief run as a ridiculous Brit version of Maverick and before someone cooked up the unfortunate idea of turning James Bond into a gimmicky comedian, Roger Moore was The Saint. I guess he was some kind of Robin Hood, half con man/ half good guy. A pleasant enough chap, I suppose, but the only role in which Moore ever convinced me he possessed any acting chops below his hair was as Ivanhoe in which he spent half the show riding around with his head hidden inside a helmet. 

"Extraordinary crimes against the people and the state have to be avenged by agents extraordinary. Two such people are John Steed, top professional. And his partner, Emma Peel, talented amateur." Otherwise known as the Avengers." 

The Spy as Idiot. 
Get Smart created by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry starring the oblivious Don Adams and the charming Agent 99. 
"Oh, Max!"

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