Sunday, August 28, 2016

Across the Great Divide Day 2 - The morning after

I've been trading comments with the publishers of several right wing web sites for several months now. These are the folks who feed Breitbart news to the people Hillary Clinton recently referred to as "as a basket of deplorables".  I've posted several of my exchanges with these people before but with the spotlight shining brighter on them than ever, before and while they are all in a dither over Hillary's non-politic sideswipe, its time to revisit them.

Dean James III is the publisher of America's Freedom Fighters. He has more than two million followers, all of whom support Donald Trump Don and with every fiber of their beings, hate Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, me and, quite likely, you.

  "Idk how the fuck you made a comment with no fucking profile name or profile pic (so i cant ban u for being a fucking killary supporter or part of killarys regime) do you not understand that i dont give a fuck what your opinion is on this? My opinion will not change I am from Arkansas I know what the clintons are I know where their body count started..... Have a great day! Well fucking played as well for whatever reason my facebook app shuts down every fucking time i try to comment directly to you fucking government trolls get a fucking life who ever you are that made this comment! FY"

I don't know what the business about my name not being attached to my comment is about. Dean and I have communicated many times before, I never hide my identity and he blocked me after this exchange. 

I then turned to his counterpart, Sean Brown. Sean also has a web site with  more than two million subscribers. Like Dean, most of his content are re-posts of Breitbart News posts. Sean and I have communicated many times. He calls me plenty of names too, but usually stops with "idiot", "retard" and "fool".* 

* Last week, Sean added, "dick" to the list of adjectives he has used to describe me. 
* Yesterday, he added the adjective, "asshole". 

This is how Sean divides his countrymen. 

"You know, the Democrats love to call Republicans the “party of hate,” but let’s boil this down and see who’s really the hateful ones, shall we? Here’s the Democrats’ loyal base (I’m not talking about the autonomous drones who show up and vote Democrat, but those actively promoting the party):
- Minorities who hate white people,
- Guilty white people who hate white people
- Gays who hate straight people
- Environmentalists who hate fossil fuels
- Feminists who hate men
- Marxists who hate America
- Poor people who hate rich people
- Muslims who hate Christians and Jews
- Atheists who hate all religions
- Illegal aliens who hate Americans
- Miscreants who hate morality
- Anarchists who hate the law
- Criminals who hate police
- Hippies who hate the military
- Politicians who hate the people they serve.”

But if you  want to know who the real deplorables are, step behind the gracious sheen of their charming front men, read what gets posted in response to their comments.  

 The river of madness in this nation is deep, wide and moving very fast.

Across the Great Divide; The End of the Trail

“There isn’t a single racist post on this site.” - Brett MacDonald, Correspondent, America's Freedom Fighters.


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Speak Out!

I understand there are those who do not publicly discuss their politics. I realize there are Democrats, women, African-Americans and Jews who support the candidacy of Trump for the Presidency of the United States. I am quite aware of the stridency and fervor of his supporters. I realize that Hillary Clinton's candidacy does not inspire the same ardor as a fresh face or a more entertaining performer. But she is a decent human being of good intentions who is as qualified as anyone on earth to serve as President. Her opponent has vowed to use the power of the office of the Presidency for the express purpose of jailing a political opponent. There is simply no moral or intellectual equivalency between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. None. I decry the rising tide of Trumpism with all the bigotry, intolerance, prejudice, divisiveness, hatred and violence it embodies. Denounce complacency. Reject apathy.

If you treasure the ideals on which this nation was founded, Speak out. If you value the promise of living in a free and open society, Speak out. If you are committed to the belief that we, as a people, can fully realize those ideals and that promise, Speak out. Speak out against the malignancy within the soul of the mob. Speak out.  Or be branded forevermore as complicit.  

Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

A Mother of All Inventions Spins His Wheels

I'm not going to pretend to be a Frank Zappa fan; too much pee-pee and ka-ka in the stew for my taste. But for those who are, this is a peek at the freak on the Steve Allen show ib 1963.  Ol' Steve apparently knew this could be the start of something big, 'cause he gave Frankie Z plenty of time to screw around. In case you don't have the patience for it all, they get this jalopy off the ground around the 12:00 minute mark.

This Could Be the Start of Something Big
with mystery guest

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Night falls on The Great Divide Day 1

I wrote earlier today of my desire to learn more about what I euphemistically referred to as, "The Other Side of the Great Divide". Who they are, what they think and why they feel as they do, believing if I could piece together the mosaic of thought belief and reason, that I would better understand US the People. instead, I got drawn into the passions of the argument, involved in a "tit-for tat", forgetting that I was there seeking reason and common ground. I went back to one of my principal "hosts", a fellow who publishes two political blogs that function as Breitbart satellites. and has more than two million followers.

Day One; Report from Across the Great Divide

Whew! This is going to be tougher than I thought.

Across the Great Divide; An Exploration of The Others

I enjoy sharing political commentary, information, insights, concerns, occasional satire and witticisms with Facebook pals. I get a reinforcing charge from the upraised thumbs and the “atta boys” and “go get ‘ems” that follow a common sense observation or barb that finds the mark.