Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day One; Report from Across the Great Divide

Whew! This is going to be tougher than I thought.
Update: Sean Brown, publisher of a right wing, Breitbart funded FB site called "Politifact" has just delivered the following judgment on my defense of President Obama as a kind and decent man as follows:

"you're delusional. Either you're a paid troll or you're clinically insane, because nobody in their right mind would look at what he's done and consider it successful, even by the faked numbers from the government."

Day One of my venture across the Great Divide began with my new Facebook pal, Sean Brown, Journalist and self-proclaimed “Professional truth teller” demanding to know when the FBI would investigate Hillary Clinton now that the report that she has been secretly arming ISIS has been confirmed (as if everyone didn’t already know that).

I had hoped to present the entire dialogue but it’s difficult to copy and paste from FB and this guy has 200,000 followers who all want their say. Then I happened across a former 06002 class mate lending cheers (no, not that guy) and it kind of deflated my spirit. 

Looks like this winning these hearts and minds is going to be tougher than I thought.

Onto the dialogue:

Our host, Sean Brown began by carping: This just keeps getting worse!!! Where's the FBI?!

Within 24 hours, this ludicrous bombshell received 1,082 shares, 209 positive reactions and hundreds of comments including a few of my own, some of which I could not find again.

Here are some low lights:

Me: The leaks were provided by the Russians who support Ding Dong Don. His campaign success is vital to them because it's the only chance they have to recover the multi millions of dollars they lent him after his credit following his multiple bankruptcies and repeated refusal to honor his debts.
(Ed. Note: That allegation garnered two thumbs up! Yay, I’m winning.)

Uh, oh. Sean fired back thusly:  “You should put the tin foil away, it appears to be interfering with regular brain functions, like thinking.”

That unassailable logic generated multiple thumbs up and 24 comments including the following:

Niles Wheeler, who, based on his picture has so many muscles his sweat has muscles, and who works at “Mafia” slapped me with this: “This is your brain on drugs You have to stop smoking that stuff”.  (Who told?)

Darwin Lee insisted: “You are that special kind of stupid. Not understanding business bankruptcies? Now, throat punch yourself and take your medicine.”

I responded with my usual level headed aplomb thusly:  Darwin Lee Thank you for the courtesy of your gracious and polite response. As for understanding business bankruptcies, one doesn't need to be  an attorney to know this much: When an individual or corporation goes under 4 times and has a widely known reputation of not honoring debts, it is far more difficult to obtain credit. This is true whether one is trying to obtain a home mortgage, small business loan or to construct a new golf course (that neither you nor I are ever going to be welcome to play). I know you hold opinions that you believe to be verities, but think about it. You are defending Donald Trump. Over the 40 years that he has been a public figure, is there anything in the man's life or career that remotely suggests he cares about you, me or anyone, other than himself?

That failed to generate a thumb but plenty of fingers:

Larry Cox insisted: “Did she not set up a deal with Russia for a farm that was turn in to a mine?” (I dunno. Did she not?

Dan Coble clarified: “Harold seems to be a sandwich short.”

Recognizing an opportunity for some snappy repartee, I responded, “Dan, what does a sandwich short mean? Beyond the fact that I respectfully disagree with your positions, spell it out.”

Arley Simpson explained, “I thought we'd established that libtards don't think?”

Rising to the bait I rejoined thusly: “Is that conclusion based upon scientific observations and conclusions or blind hatred and mindless prejudice? Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President of the United States while your candidate will be scrambling for sponsors for his next television show so that he has enough money to service his Russian debt and you folks remain stranded on the lunatic fringe with your hatred and prejudice. You are swimming against the tides of history and the vast majority of your countrymen. Come to your senses. Join us or drown in the sea of bias and hatred that Trump cultivates.

Keith D. Jodway nailed me with this one: Harold Levine as an attorney, you should be an authority on breaking rules and be able to prove they don't apply to the man (or woman) with money. Donald admits he used the system, because the system is there. What is your beef?

Me: “Hi Keith. I disagree with your premise. I am not familiar with the type of attorneys you are referring to. Most of the attorneys I know are ethical, principled professionals. Of course, there are those who do not conform to that standard, just as there are corrupt accountants, car sales and repairmen, plumbers etc. Some folks with money benefit from manipulating the legal system.  Most don't. 

It troubles that Mr. Trump has been involved in something on the order of 3,500 law suits. That is a staggering number. It tells me that this man is not only litigious in the extreme but is fundamentally incapable of honesty in his business dealings. I am troubled that Tony Schwartz, the ghost writer of The Art of the Deal received a cease and desist letter immediately after denouncing Mr. Trump, effectively putting him on notice that if he continued to exercise his First Amendment right to free speech and dissent, he would pay for it. Literally. 

I find Mr. Trump to be a wholly self-serving, selfish bully who lacks civility and common decency, who sows mistrust and hatred among far too many people - including fundamentally decent folks like you and me. 
Without meaning to seem overly unkind, I sincerely believe Mr. Trump is seriously mentally ill. That is the short list of what I have a beef with. Anything in that you can agree with?”

Apparently, the answer was “nope”.

Time for Sean Brown to restore order.

Sean Brown: “Harold - you do realize the majority of those lawsuits are personal injury that came from people suing him after being hurt on his property, right? You also realize that of those 3500, only 60 were contract disputes, right? You also realize that out of the remainder, he's won the majority, right?
My guess is no, since judging by your comment about being on the wrong side of history, you're a rabid leftist who rejects any facts that don't support your beliefs.

As far as mentally ill, did you happen to see Hillary go on Fox News yesterday and flat out deny that the FBI director called her a liar? Again, I'm guessing not, for the reasons I stated above. Regardless, anyone, like Hillary, who would try to spin the blatant indictment from Comey in the manner she did is either mentally ill or a plain liar. Either way, she's unelectable, and while you may think that your leftist ideas are believed by all, anyone with even a lick of common sense is sitting here wondering how the fuck people 

like you gained such a foothold in our government.’
'Good luck, bud, you're going to need it. And when your ideologist (sic) is rejected by America writ large, don't come crying that it wasn't fair, because only a complete reject would support the bullshit you people spew.”

I replied:

“Hi Sean. Thank you for your very thoughtful and gracious response. I took a couple of seconds to do some research on your claim that the majority of the lawsuits were related to personal injuries. This is what I found. http://www.usatoday.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/ The link is to a piece that appeared in USA Today that broke down the Trump lawsuits by category and demonstrated that most of them were related to contract disputes.  

Nonetheless, Steve C. Roth commended our host, “Damn well stated, Sean”.

Ah, but I was reaching full mental stride and sank to the lowest common denominator. 
“But Stephen, despite the fact that Sean is a professional truth teller and a master of prose, it appears that in this instance, he is wrong. Ding Dong Don is surely proud of his litigation record. His ability to screw other people is a unique talent to be celebrated. You should be very proud of him. Can't wait to see how he worms out of his Russian debts.”

Julie Grubb joined the rapacious mob: “Sean, thank you for taking time out of your busy day to school this moron!”

James Gingras opined, “I don't think u need emails to prove this I remember hearing on the radio news that oblamer and killer were planning on arming isis”

Jim Coshun: “Comey already made an ass out of himself once, I doubt he'll get involved if he'd have to do it again...how many people have to ruin their reputation covering for the Clintons?”

Dean Wickwire: “Where's the FBI --- hiding behind obama with their ear muffs on so they dont hear anything”

Martin Kochberg: “Not a day goes by when I don't hear about a new "bombshell" regarding Hillary Clinton. How come none of these bombshells ever explode?”

Renee Boschee Unfortunately I don't think people care what she does or how crooked she is. They all seem to ignore the truth. I hate to say this but it seems no matter how terrible she is she will probably win and the US people will get what they deserve.

Frank Moran : “Sean, It does not matter. She can do anything she wants and she is protected. Only if Trump is elected will this possibly change.”

Melody Girty provided the capper: “Espionage and Treason if this were the 1700's or 1800's we would be hanging her for her crimes against American citizens and in the 1900's she would have gone to prison or at least been unable to run for public office and heavily fined how in the hell did we get from there to here.

Dennis Speer: All I can say is better watch you back or you will be #50. (I assume the reference is to the 49 people that Hillary has already murdered.)

Cliff Mabry: My problem is "If he has more e-mail information, why doesn't he prove it by showing it?" I would love to see this lieing bitch go down!

Me: Hi Cliff. Why do you feel the need to use such excoriating, pejorative language?

Cliff Mabry I call them as I see them. If you don't care for my opinion ten scroll past it. Ding Dong Don hater! (Cliff has a point there).

Wayne Simms has a solution: “Firing squad she is traitor.”

Dan Coble remains disgruntled: “As always, the FBI is MIA.”

Larry Cox: “They won't do what they should she above the law so it up to us vote get out of here”.

Keith D. Jodway demanded: “Where is the FBI? Between her legs like all of the rest of the "legal" sytem; because everyone knows the Clinton's are and always have been above the law.”

Patricia Dooey Do you realise how stupid you are?

Cheryl Rickards was having none of it. “Where"s the FBI? Firmely in the back pocket of the DOJ & the President.”

David Rogers summed it up well: “Neo liberalists are the scum of the earth”.

While William Callister concurred: “What a mega lying bitch she is”.

Dan Church was even more impatient: “HANG HER .THE BITCH.” (Waste of hemp as far as I’m concerned).

Penny Laur: “there's a video from ODumber giving a speech stating, we are arming the syrian rebels (isis) as fast as we can. I think it was back in 2012 or 2013. ooops!!! yep. go find that video.”

Dennis Mosley implored: “So, do something someone.”

Paul Vanminos FBI, DOJ, in bed with Clinton..

Rich Domenchello LOCK HER UP!!!

Mike Tumminello Treason

Daniel Hallford got personal: “Levine, the self hating Jew.”

Larry Roach: “These people are evil”. ( I think he means you guys).

Cliff Mabry: My problem is " If he has more e-mail information, why doesn't he prove it by showing it?" I would love to see this lieing bitch go down!


Sean Brown: She held NOTHING back, and it's what we're ALL thinking!!

Sean Brown, pro truth teller returns as the conversation moved onto the Kahn family. "What's disgusting, that he came from Pakistan, a country dominated by Sharia Law, lived in Saudi Arabia, another country dominated by Sharia Law, moved to the UAE, another country dominated by Sharia Law and a hotbed for the Muslim Brotherhood, and that when he moved to America he started advocating for Sharia Law to be implemented here? You should check your facts because this guy isn't who he says he is, and his long history of close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia-compliant nations is proof of it."

83 proud thumbs for that one.

Betty J. Nesmith By the way, I do believe he (Kahn)) volunteered for the service. Don't believe he was Drafted, right? Would like to know just how much military coverage he had when killed.. wonder if Obama had cut back supplies and men in his particular division as he did in others? Even has ordered some of the soldiers to operate in their areas without carrying military equipment. He and Bill Clinton have a lot in common. Bill ran for the border..

Sean Brown: BREAKING: State Dept. Drops HUGE Bombshell On Hillary, Look What She REFUSED To Do During...Insanity Oh man, you just can't make this stuff up...

Victor Parrotto She as president would sell this country and anything she has access to to the highest bidder. How can any body back such a dishonest person. Even dogs turn their backs on her.
Sean Brown BREAKING News: “Black Lives Matter Claims Another Police Officer...’ ‘A sad day in America...


Wes Scott went over the wall of sanity:  “I am beginning to think all black lives matter people should be shot on sight just like they do to cops.”

Sue Christopher: Yes here we go again nothing done about it white fucking lives matter to you black ass

In response to the distressing news that Apple had removed the gun emoji and replaced it with a squirt gun, Sean Brown returned to gripe: “This is Obama's America, where symbolism the left doesn't like is harmful to society and should be removed, but their violent, anti-American symbolism and blind hatred for this country has zero effect whatsoever, and if you say otherwise you're a racist bigot.”

Jack Duey Now isn't that special. Apple doing its part to slam our 2nd amendment rights.
17 more comments similar in nature…

Char Kuchar: I eat my fried chicken with a knife and fork soooooooo what does that make me? My grandparents taught me good table manors. GEEEEEZ some people. (just want to puck here) :(

Patti Schivelbein Go Trump! We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! All aboard the Trump Train! Don't you just love how much the media enjoys what and how Trump eats. I think they should be more consumed(no pun intended-LOL) with the issues at hand.

Lisa Griffin: Dem Rats make me want to (she inserted a picture of a gun)

Brian Mcavoy: I can not believe there are intelligent people that support killary. 

Julie Jahn: Mr. Brown, you are my newest hero. 

Yep. This is gonna take awhile.


Unknown said...

Harold, imagine my shock and dismay when I tried to present my moderate conservative viewpoints on a "go Trump" thread. I was called a libtard, as well as all the names that you were called. Off her meds, drunk again, killary troll were among the kinder gentler insults. It was exasperating.

Stinson Duvall said...

Meanwhile this is the least productive Congress in the history of America. And all the damage that goes along with it.