May 16, 2017
I have a bone to pick with Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's
Morning Joe. He went on one of his vainglorious rants this morning announcing
he has never voted for a Democrat for President, never will and that he did not
vote for Trump - who (here's the kicker) is a Democrat.
Now, hold on a second. Day after day, throughout the
primaries, Scarborough and his writhing, wincing consort, Mika, paraded Trump
out and fed him a constant stream of soft balls that helped raise Trump's
visibility, gave him a veneer of credibility and, not coincidentally, boosted
their own ratings. I watched it with bewilderment and frustration and ascribed
it to a cynical calculation - it was good for business.
Moreover, Scarborough compounded his complicity by repeatedly
insisting Trump's supporters were properly aggrieved and unfairly maligned by
the media. (Having borne the brunt of hundreds of insults and dozens of threats
from Trumpeters, that claim raises my personal hackles to the fucking moon. So,
let's get this straight. The Republican party - Joe Scarborough's party -
nominated Donald Trump and voted for him.
Whatever claim Scarborough now wants to make for insight or foresight, his television program, Morning Joe, helped enable the rise of Trump. So don't put it on US, pal. You and your fellow Republicans aided and abetted this abomination. Yours was a horrific error in judgment. Own it, dude.
May 17, 2017
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