Friday, December 28, 2012

Your Own Inner Child

Your Own Inner Child
Your Own Inner Child
Hold closely yet loosely
your own inner child,
for it weighs but lightly,
travels quite nicely,
and when things go amiss
will lead you across
any abyss.
HL April, 2008


Anonymous said...

nice. and who is playing that sweet horn? Miles?

Beth Lloyd said...

Lovely momories, Harold. I remember that wall...just yesterday on a sunset walk, Clay was pointing it out to Pearl, recalling how he used to walk along it as a kid. He tried to entice her to try it but it was a bit cold and blistery to be convincing.

Harold D. Levine said...

Thank you. Actually, the trumpet player by any name would sound just as sweet, but this is Lee Morgan with Wayne Shorter on tenor and McCoy Tyner on piano.

Harold D. Levine said...

Yeah, nice try, Clay. That devilish place is probably named either Blind Man's Bluff or Doofus Dad's Wall Fall; that's why I was safely behind the camera while What's-His-Name and The Other Guy took all the risks. Boy, it was fun when they were so young and dumb.