Saturday, June 14, 2014

The real reason Eric Cantor paid the price

Before his march to become "King of the Jews and You Too" was so unceremoniously interrupted, soon to be former Congressman and House majority leader, Eric Cantor (R-Va), had a website encouraging readers to post public comments.*  I accepted this gracious invitation, fully expecting that, in the land of the dissident and the free, my comment would be posted.

I did so in my customary calm and reasoned manner, using language carefully calibrated to intimate to Eric that I respectfully disagreed with his positions and assuring him that he should see things my way.

To my chagrin, he did not see fit to post my comment.

So, I tried again.  And again.  And once again.  Each time, I toned down the rhetoric, finally concluding with the mildest admonition I could muster, "Eric, you are such a dope!”  Even then, he refused to post my comment.

Finally, in a last, desperate attempt to capture his attention, I wrote him the following, "You're doing great, Eric.  Keep it up!”  Voila!  Within minutes, I was posted.

And that, folks is Eric, my favorite Cantor-not and the real reason why he has now paid the price!

* Eric still has a website but he no longer invites comments and now offers little more than constituent services like help obtaining passports and fixing parking tickets.

1 comment:

Lea said...

Harold - you rock!!