Monday, October 22, 2012

Mitt's foreign policy revealed: Cowboy up! Oops!

ETCH-A-SKETCH UPDATE: Oh great! Yesterday I was ready to grab my 10 gallon hat, boots, spurs and rusty cap gun and saddle up for Team Romney to play Sheriff to the world just like back in the good old Bush days when oliver sudden morphs into a peacenik and pulls the plug on the whole shooting match. All that fretting and fuming over whether Mittens was gonna steal the nuclear code and hit the button right there on the debate stage and it turns out all he wants to do is give peace a chance. Fooled me again, slick.

Here is our newly minted national flower child in his own mealy mouthed words:

Our national purpose: : “(O)ur purpose is to make sure the world is more — is peaceful'. 'We want a peaceful planet. We want people to be able to enjoy their lives and know they’re going to have a bright and prosperous future, not be at war.”

On Afghanistan: "Announcing a withdrawal date, that was wrong," "The Taliban may not have watches, but they do have calendars." OOPS! Wrong day. That was yesterday. This was last night: “When I'm president, we'll make sure we bring our troops out by the end of 2014”

On Iran: " a military action is the last resort.”

On and on it went as he agreed with the President about this, that and the other thing. He was so close to Barry O., I thought he was gonna sit in his lap. Even the God of the Loons, Glenn Beck, woke up from his dreams of the nether regions long enough to tweet: “I am glad to know that Mitt agrees with Obama so much. No, really. Why vote?”

Oh there are still the enduring mysteries. For instance, how he's going to increase military spending by (depending on the day of the week) between 2 and 4 trillion dollars, cut taxes by 20% across the board, and balance the budget in 8-10 years (I guess that means he intends to have a third term) and do it by "reducing a whole series of programs" starting with "Obamacare" (which, by the way, he will not have the votes to do and which will not save anywhere near enough to make a dent in the deficit if he could) and then ... and then ... and then ... what, Mitt? For Cryin' Out Loud, how about one single hint?

Look. Either one of two things are going on here. One, the guy has no intellectual moorings and therefore no idea what he is talking about. Or two, he has plenty of intellectual firepower and understood from the start that if he could lock up the Republican right, who will vote against the President if he was running against a fried egg, he could move not merely to the center, but literally anywhere on the chess board - and he has. This guy has demonstrated that he will assume any identity or ideology, be whoever his audience wants him to be to sell whatever he has to in order to be elected. This is far more than the usual case of a politician moving from one wing or the other to the center. These shifts are so thorough and consistent with his entire political career that they reveal nothing so much as a deep rooted cynicism, contempt for the electorate and a total lack of any identifiable governing philosophy. All that is left is an empty suit so desperate to assume the power he believes is his destiny that no one who votes for him, left, right or center, truly knows what we will be getting.

Add it up and it speaks to a lack of character that makes him unworthy of holding the office of President of the United States.

Updated October 23, 2012

October 22, 2012
This morning, senior Romney foreign policy advisers are making the rounds assuring voters that Mittens' has a personal investment in world peace because he has 18 grandchildren who would be at risk in the event of war. This ignores the fact that even though Mormon doctrine does not preclude military service. neither Romney nor his five sons, at least one of whom is willing to "take a swing" at the President of the United States, or any of the 18 grandkids has ever taken that route. But then, as "I wanna be Queen" Ann explained to those liberal dum-dums on the View, missionary service is what turns Mitts into men. Nothing tougher than trying to spending two years in Paris cracking stale baguettes.

Now, onto the several ways The Willow is going to avoid war in his own words. 

On China: "Well number one, on day one, it's acknowledging ...they're a currency manipulator. And on that basis, we also go before the W.T.O. and bring an action against them as a currency manipulator.' 'People say, "Well, you'll start a trade war." There's one going on right now, folks. They're stealing our jobs. And we're gonna stand up to China." 

On Iran: "(I)f all else fails, if after all of the work we’ve done, there’s nothing else we could do besides mil — take military action, then of course you take military action. It is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon. We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon.

On the Iraq War: Romney supported the war and President Bush's policy in Iraq. He supported the troop increase and favors maintaining troop levels. Romney says that keeping the U.S. in Iraq is the best option for minimizing casualties and maintaining a democratic government in Iraq.

On Cuba: We've waited a long, long time for the opportunity that is represented by ...old leadership finally kicking the bucket in Cuba… And I want to take advantage… I want to be the American president that is proud to be able to say that I was president at the time that we brought freedom back to the people of Cuba.

If I'm fortunate to become the next president of the United States it is my expectation that Fidel Castro will finally be taken off this planet… I doubt he'll take any time in the sky. He'll find a nether region to be more to his comfort…" Romney speaking at the US-Cuba Democracy PAC event in Miami Freedom Tower January 25, 2012. 

On Russia: As our Number One Foe (and a wrong guess on the Constitutionality of Romney/Obamacare) and Putin's response: 

MOSCOW- Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Romney’s comments strengthened his resolve to oppose NATO’s plan for a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe, a system Russia believes will degrade its nuclear deterrent. The U.S. insists the system is aimed at Iran, not Russia.

“I’m grateful to him (Romney) for formulating his stance so clearly because he has once again proven the correctness of our approach to missile defense problems,” Putin told reporters, according to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti. 

Time precludes us from further revealing his plans to arm the insurgents in Syria, face down North Korea, pistol whip the South American drug cartels into submission and show the Brits how to run a proper Olympics. I'm sure he's tell us all about it tonight - right after he gets through spending another 89 minutes discussing his secret one day, one size sure fire plan to fix the economy.

Add it all up and it sounds like a turn away from a largely successful foreign policy of the past four years based on global cooperation that has greatly restored our standing around the world and a return to the sabre rattling, belligerent cowboy up, us against the world imperialistic, 1950's cold war interventionism that will place our most precious treasure, your children and mine - but not his - at risk for generations to come.

October 22, 2012

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