A Query or More to All Trumpeters:
Educate me, if you will.
I have read many of your posts extolling the virtues of your champion and blindly proclaiming yours and his love of country.
Let's assume that I'm capable of understanding rational arguments and advocacy and that you are capable of explaining them in a cogent and coherent manner.
What on earth gives you people the idea that he loves this country? His draft dodging during the Vietnam War? The lack of military service by any member of his family, including his forebearers? Could it be his lack of respect for those who died in 9/11 or the lies about what he saw that day?
Perhaps it his outsourcing of his own companies' manufacturing jobs to foreign countries? Or it is his hiring of illegal immigrants to clean his hotels and care for his golf courses that you so admire?
Maybe it's his 4200+ law suits used as weapons to keep from paying his contractor debts and obligations? Or his immigrant trophy wife who got every advantage he would deny others?
Could it be his 6 bankruptcies that wiped out hundreds of workers and their families or the foreign investments around the world that he earns billions from and on which he pays not one penny in taxes? Or his continuing refusal to disclose his tax returns under the pretense that "no one cares" when millions of us do?
Is it his indebtedness to the Russians who helped him win election?
Do you find his minuscule to non-existent charitable contributions compelling?
Or his non-existent attendance at any church unless the cameras are present while
pretending to be a Christian?
Do you find his readiness to attack, insult and threaten anyone who disagrees or displeases him laudatory?
Or his repeated disrespect and lack of courtesy to others - including immigrants, the disabled, Gold Star servicemen, and any woman who doesn’t fit his definition of beauty?
Are you swayed by his thin intellect or persuaded by his meager command of the English language and lack of oratorical skills?
Is it his scant knowledge of government, the legislative process and ignorance of the Constitution that he will be sworn to uphold?
Do you find his vulgarity enchanting? Are you enticed by his constant barrage of insulting tweets aimed at everyone from United States Senators to war heroes to celebrities to ordinary folks who happen to disagree with him?
Do you admire him for the sexual assaults he dismissed as "pussy grabbing" and to which he thinks he is entitled because he's a "celebrity"?
Do you find his "vision" for America that, to date, is nothing more than bumper sticker platitudes compelling? Or, the swamp he promised to drain but instead has filled with alligators; including billionaires, those who oppose the Federal agencies they are to be sworn to protect, and assorted nonentities and incompetents?
What is it about this widely unpopular bully, so despised and reviled by the majority of your fellow citizens that causes you to blindly follow him like lemmings to the sea?
Inquiring minds truly want to know.
If you can't explain it or refuse to do so, We the People will conclude that you have made a dreadful mistake and we are all going to pay a fearsome price for it.
Skip the name calling for once and explain it to me in an intelligible, cogent, logical and coherent manner. Please and thank you.
HL January 11, 2017
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