Monday, April 15, 2019

Are all Trump supporters racists?

Do I believe all Trump supporters are racists?" 

I was asked that question awhile ago by a fellow who grew up in the same town where I came of age; a town that celebrates its' long history of racial diversity but resists shining a light on the dark places, and where few, if any, would ever admit to harboring racist sentiments despite the fact there are entrenched pockets of support for a man who actively and openly tries to divide US by race. 

I have given the question a great deal of thought - perhaps because I knew that the inevitable answer would only sadden me.

But when Trump's entire agenda is built on fueling and exploiting racial divides, there are only two possible conclusions one can draw about his supporters. They either share in and approve of that racism, or are willing to overlook it because they wrongly believe something else matters more. Either way, it's a distinction without a difference. 

My answer, then, to the question, is an unequivocal "Yes." 

If you support Donald Trump; if you do not actively and openly renounce his divisive, hateful tactics and policies, you are a racist. Wear it publicly or hide it privately, but it is to your eternal shame that you wear it at all.

- Harold Levine 11.4.18 

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