Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mitt Romney, Robert Bork and abortion

It is now days before the election and we are still expected to peer behind a mask of obfuscating slogans in search of the very few clues we can find that tell us which way the Willow will bend when the winds blow and what it is that he will risk mussing his hair to fight for.

On one issue at least, help is here, courtesy of which has compiled Romney's abortion positions over the years, step by circuitous step.

See if you can follow the twists and turns and reach any logical conclusion. Mine is that either "there is no there there" and the man is truly bereft of core beliefs or he knows precisely what he is doing; in which case his campaign is every bit as cynical as was suggested by his spokesman's Etch-Sketch remark.

Either way, how does one know what he is likely to do if elected and would, in all likelihood have the opportunity to nominate and possibly appoint several Supreme Court Justice(s)?

Well, here's one clue: the chief adviser of his Judicial Advisory Committee is (get ready) Robert Bork! For those who don't remember, among many other curious positions, Mr. Bork still disagrees  with the Supreme Court decision in Griswold v. Connecticut in which the Court in a 7-2 decision struck down a Connecticut law prohibiting the use of contraceptives between married couples on the grounds that it violated privacy rights. (You read that right.) Bork is also on record stating that the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment does not apply to women, reasoning that it “cannot be justified historically, grammatically, or any other way. Women are a majority of the population now ...’ They aren’t discriminated against anymore.”

Aah, but I digress. Returning to Romney, if given the opportunity to select Judicial nominees, he will not only have Bork in his ear, he will have to contend with his own version of the loyal opposition as well as the right wing of his own party. Caught in that vise, will he assume the moderate cloak he has donned for the final days of this campaign or are his roots so shallow that they cannot rescue him from being bent into true willow position and genuflecting to the right?

If you pull the lever for Romney, you will be guessing and that is truly frightening.

HL October 20, 2012

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