Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romney's Vietnam- The Tale of a Fortunate Son

A Fortunate Son
In 1966, Mitt Romney was a freshman at Stanford at a time when the campus was roiled by anti-war demonstrations.  Romney, like his father, was an ardent supporter of the war. Mitt's campus contribution? He joined a counter-protest urging his fellow students to abandon their protests. That's him in the upper right corner of the photo. 

Mitt obtained a series of student and religious deferments and spent 31 months as a missionary in Paris, where he was was in constant danger of poking his eye out with a baguette
The elder Romney later declared that he had been "brainwashed" in support of the war, changed his position (and forever killed his political ambitions.) Mitt's subsequent expressions of his own views on Vietnam remain forever  elusive and borne of expedience, as befitting a man lacking any core conviction.
In the video below, Rachel Maddow tells the tale. 

1 comment:

Lea said...

This is VERY big. Rachel rocks! Thanks H.
I clearly remember that our class, 1970, wad the last to get a college deferment this guy is older than we. Clearly, he, 5 years older, no longer qualified for a deferment. Once again rich white men protecting their own and blast everyone else