Sunday, December 25, 2016

Dispatch from The Shattered Faith and Recovery Center

Uhhh ...hi friends, relations and assorted other folks.
Suspending silence from The Dump Trump Shattered-Faith and Recovery Center where this source presently resides, to send along season’s salutations and best wishes for the health and safety of us all this coming year – with a special note of thanks and appreciation for those who reached out to ask after my well-being.
All things considered, I’m doin’ alright, ya know?
Still striving to regain my balance and perspective while deciding how best to stand in opposition to the revolting, venal and grotesque without surrendering my own integrity or compassion. Oh yeah, and still searching for my missing sense of humor. (Yeah, the thieving thug took that from me, too).
Hoping to resume regular dispatches soon but, for the time being, just wanted to say, "hey" before returning to contemplation and further study of the situation.
Until we meet again, remember the words of Hill Street Station's Phil Ezterhaus and "let's be careful out there".
PS Sound tip: Ignoring the braying blat of that voice, doesn't provide much succor, but it does wonders for the digestive tract.
12.25.16 HL


Unknown said...

Harold, i had been wondering when you would return. I share all you feelings. We can only hope that the majority of Americans who know better, will act. We must act and share opportunities to act against the demise of our democracy with those who hold our principles. Rhea

Unknown said...

Welcome back, Harold. I share your feelings. Spread facts and truth. Remind people that fact and truth are necessay if you survive as a democracy. This mentally unstable tyrant must be exposed at every turn. Thanks Harold for you committment. Peace. Rhea

Unknown said...

Harold, i had been wondering when you would return. I share all you feelings. We can only hope that the majority of Americans who know better, will act. We must act and share opportunities to act against the demise of our democracy with those who hold our principles. Rhea

abiatsea said...

Bastard for even coming close to touching your humor. No one can touch your compassion. Happy to hear from you.