When your first waking thought tickles the comedy in your soul, there's a pretty good bet it's going to be a real good day. HL 2009
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Monday, July 24, 2017
Jared Kushner: First Impressions
Quiet. Modest. Pleasant looking in a gee whiz kind of way.
Not just another Jewish fella; he's royalty. When Benjie Netanyahu came to New York, he was the house guest of the Kushner crew.
If we would just leave him alone, he will bring peace to the Mid-East and a deliver a Trump Palace to rival any in history right in downtown Jerusalem where it belongs.
But look again. Look at his eyes. Unblinking. Carbon. Cold. Hard. Calculating.
And the lies that roll so readily from a titanium bladed tongue rather than the Trumpian blunderblast.
Always shrouded in a wisp of invisibility. An escape artistnever to be found when the deal goes down.
Jared Kushner is Donald Trump's viceroy . That makes him a very dangerous man.
Whether Jared Kushner escapes his present predicament or not, his long-term future is unlikely to be terminal. He is going to be a factor in our public lives for many years to come.
Senator Kushner. President Kushner. Such a nice boy.
Boston Globe on Kushner in Somerville
Harvard Crimson on Kushner as an undergrad
HL July 24, 2017
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Nightmare visions abound
Nightmare visions abound. Through the dank fog, visions emerge. We are staring at the intersection of geopolitics, international finance and organized crime. Laundered money being washed across continents and oceans. Conducted by rapacious mobsters of multiple lineages and nationalities, fueled by stupefying greed, self-dealing and monstrous hubris, undeterred by and unfettered by quaint notions of law, honor, integrity or patriotism. Coiled at the rotted core of it all stands the Lying Don, marching to the beat of a foreign drum.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the night, sifting through the smoke and gazing behind the mirror, The Law Man regards the Jumbo Jig Saw puzzle before him, rolls up crisp sleeves with smart precision, dons the Sam Waterson mask he has been saving for just the proper occasion, flicks the switch on the ceiling fan and resolutely resumes examining and placing the pieces, seeing them ever more clearly in the swiftly thinning haze. HL 7.13.17
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Saturday, July 1, 2017
A Rifleman massacre for the kiddies
following the next murderous generation
as a nation now circling the globe
how did we ever get this way?