Friday, September 14, 2012

Romney's Team Chicken Hawk vows to take us with him

Yesterday, Mitt Romney, campaigning in Virginia, said that President Obama wants to limit the U.S. military's capacity so it can only engage in one conflict at a time. Criticizing the automatic defense spending cuts looming at the end of the year, passed as part of the bipartisan debt-limit deal, Romney said he will "restore our military commitment and keep America the strongest military in the world."

"This president's done something I find hard to understand. Ever since FDR, we've had capacity to be engaged in two conflicts at once," Romney said. "He's saying, 'No, we're going to cut that back to one conflict.'"

Let's step away from the time machine, Mitt. I want to ask you a couple of questions and I'll give you the answers.
1. How did things work out for We, the People, the last time we fought two wars at once?  Not real well for the men and women, boys and girs who got shot up on the ground, right?

2. How did it work out for you, your five sons and your 18 granchildren, Mitt? My guess is that, if you noticed at all, you all did just swell.

Now that Mitt is convinced that he has to be a play pretend tough guy, you can bet his last bottom dollar which side he's on. He's with manufacturing! Munitions manufacturing, that is. Munitions manufacturers who will experience a mild but discomfiting credit squeeze of those budget cuts (a minuscule $680 billion) kick in, and who could really use a good war to stir the bottom line. 

You want to invoke FDR? Really And take us back to those thrilling days of yesteryear (Gee, it seems like it was just the last administration) when we waged large scale hot and cold wars as policemen to the world? Must be the secret part of your jobs bill. Anybody seen Rosie the Riveter?

September 14, 2012

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