Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Sweet Taste of Victory and precious few bitter herbs

The evening afterglow brings the sweet taste of victory to be savored and precious few bitter herbs:
First, to Barack Obama, the President of the United States, who won reelection by a convincing margin.

For his accomplishments, from The Ledbetter Act guaranteeing equal pay to women, the economic stimulus that saved the auto industry and banks, the Affordable Health Care Act, ending Don't Ask Don't tell, appointing to the Supreme Court two ethnic women of humble backgrounds, hunting down Bin Laden ending the war in Iraq and starting the withdrawal in Afghanistan while restoring our standing in the world, he earned the nation's confidence and votes.

His every move and utterance has been scrutinized beyond that of any public figure in the history of civilization. He has been subjected to the frequent lash of a blind, unreasoning, furious hatred that would have left scars on any man. Barack Obama has borne it all with an dignity and and grace that is deserving of the entire nation's respect.

When it was over and he was soundly beaten, Mitt Romney delivered a concession speech that revealed that he is a gracious, decent and honorable man.  Unfortunately for him, he never learned to run a gracious, decent and honorable campaign - or convince enough of us that he was a man with a plan that even he truly believed in.

Welcome back, it’s like you never left awards to:

Clare McCaskill (D-MO) who shut down Todd Akin legitimately.  She returns to Washington with her tough minded, levelheaded approach, softened by the charming twinkle in her eye that never fails to reduce Hardballin' Chris Mathews to paroxysms of delight.

Blue collar Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), who withstood an enormous flood of out of state PAC money to whip a shrill, wet behind the ears whippersnapper with a lot to learn.

Montana’s Senator John “Tractor” Tester, (D-Mo) the coolest goober and most refreshing populist voice to blow a breath of fresh air across the western plains in many a coyote moon.

Welcome and it’s a pleasure to greet you awards to:

Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) who stepped far outside of her comfort zone to win her fight and reclaim Ted Kennedy's Senate legacy. She may be a freshman Senator, but she also brings more intellectual heft to the chamber than any freshman since Daniel Patrick Moynihan.  The woman is a star and will not be relegated to the backbench for very long.

Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) the first openly gay candidate and first woman from Wisconsin elected to Congress - and it was not that big a deal. 

War hero and newly elected Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) who muzzled screaming tea bagger Joe Walsh and sent him back to the unemployment line to connive new ways to skip out on his child support.

A fond farewell to my retiring Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA.  Barney, You done good. Welcome, Joseph Patrick Kennedy, III, son of Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, (the oil for the homeless one) and grandson of Robert F. and Ethel Kennedy. 

The inexorable march of individual rights continues for gays in marriage and medical (and recreational) marijuana use.

Good riddance to: Alan West, defeated right wing nut job who will continue to fire bullets and miss both fellow servicemen and his sworn enemies, Democrats who are invading his country.

Richard Mourdock and his insight into God's plan for rape victims and his unique definition of compromise as, "when they agree with us". Republican voters of Indiana, you nominated this guy over Richard Lugar? Really? Well, thanks a bunch!

The loathsome Linda McMahon, who spent one hundred million of dollars of her own money before the voters of my native Connecticut slammed her to the mat, delivered the old Bobo Brazil Coco-butt and and stomped her dreams into the dust.

Every victory lap contains a pebble in the shoe department: Moonbat Bachman narrowly escaped defeat.  Explain this to me, Minnesota.

Sarah Palin’s first thought this morning, “next time ...”.

Beyond being a walking testimonial for orange spray tan, why is Donald Trump still on this earth?

Beginning to see the light? "What Republicans need to learn is how do we speak to all Americans. Not just the people who look like us and act like us, but how do we speak to all Americans." – John Boehner. (It's not that hard, John. Just open your arms, hearts and minds and give those who disagree with you full faith and credit for being intelligent, caring human beings looking for a path toward fairness and equality for all - just like you.)

How long will it will take Republicans to race to the borders embracing immigration reform? (I can see Rush Limbaugh now, swollen and standing on the ramparts, handing out abortion pills to pregnant immigrant women?)

The stupidest smart guy in the room award to Karl (I spent 300 million of dollars of PAC money for this?)  Rove, who was positively buffoonish as he begged, argued and pleaded with Fox News, the very hand that feeds him, to take back their call of Ohio for the President.  No such luck, Karl.

Speaking of stupid, for $34.95 a year, you too can subscribe to Rasmussen Reports so that you will have no idea what is going to happen in the next election.

Depending on how many years it takes to call Florida, it looks like another near perfect night for Mrs. Silver's little boy, Natie.  I wonder if he plays fantasy baseball.

Our racial divide remains deep and wide – the same as it ever was.  And the face of the Republican party remains the same as it ever was; white and turning grey while the rest of the country turns black, brown and blue.  Adapt, accept it or fade away, Redmen.

Won’t get fooled again department: The majority of the American people who understood that change takes time, that the national ship of state does not turn on a dime, that no President has a magic wand and they all need cooperation and are willing to give him the time to finish what he has begun.

We, the people, may not always enjoy or even respect the Federal government, but most of us accept and understand that we need it. Ask Chris Christie

To those who are convinced the President’s policies will prove disastrous – that is what check and balances are for.

To those who still believe the President is on a godless mission to destroy America, I will bet you $10,000.00 that in four years the country is going to be either a little better off or a little less so.  In the meantime, we will endure another raucous and, in all likelihood, bitter election.  When it is over, Barack Obama will hand the keys to the Oval Office over to a new President and the Republic will survive.

Memo to Mitch McConnell: I hope that this morning when you woke up and faced the reality that President Obama had won a second term, you threw cold water on your face, looked in the mirror and admitted that he is every bit the well intentioned American and patriot that you are and committed yourself to trying (just trying!) to work with him in a positive, cooperative manner.  Do it for the rest of us, Mitch.  We are American patriots too and we deserve it.

Do not abandon New Jersey.  Rebuild and protect our shores and environment from New England to New Jersey to New Orleans and the West Coast by investing in infrastructure - new roads and bridges, levees and dams.

Forty years ago today, Richard (The Dick Who Hated Us All) Nixon defeated George McGovern.  Don’t blame me. I’m from Massachusetts.

Finally, in case it escaped your notice amid the hullabaloo, I have been unanimously elected King of the Puddle.  That gives me a continuing mandate to exercise my First Amendment rights whenever, wherever and however I choose.  What a country! Thanks for your vote and support, Ma!

All Gods bless you and all Gods bless the United States of America!  And to all a good night!

November 7, 2012

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on, King. Well said. I hope that with mid term elections a mere two years away, our republican congressmen realize that stonewalling is not going to further endear them to the American people.