Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Dick who hated us all

One more look back at Richard Nixon’s legacy that stained us all and the justification for Presidential libraries. The excerpts below are from the newly released tapes (2010) that Rosemary Woods didn’t get a chance to erase and prove, if there remained any doubt, that the Dick hated us all.

Richard Nixon on prejudice: “It’s not prejudice in the sense that one must recognize that all people have certain traits. The Jews have certain traits. The Irish have certain traits. Have certain …virtually every Irish I’ve known gets mean when he drinks. That’s sort of a country trait. The real Irish – they do very stupid things. The Italians, of course, those people don’t have their heads screwed on tight. They are wonderful people, but … and the Jews area just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personalities – but they’re just able people. I didn’t notice many Jewish names coming back from Vietnam”.

Speaking of his Secretary of State, William Rogers; “Bill Rogers has got somewhat, and to his credit it’s a decent feeling, but somewhat, sort of, a sort of blind spot on the black thing because he’s been in New York. He says, “Well, they are coming along, and that after all, they are going to strengthen our country in the end because they are strong physically and some of them are smart.'

'My own view is that I think he’s right if you’re talking in terms of 500 years. I think it’s wrong if you’re talking in terms of 50 years. What has to happen is they have to be, frankly, inbred…. that’s the only thing that’s going to do it."

This man was twice elected President of the United States. As we enter another Presidential election cycle, that is a disquieting thought.  

In the wake of recent MLK remembrances and with the advent of another Presidential campaign, let this serve as a reminder of why it is so vital that we remain vigilant and examine each candidate as much for the content of their characters as their ability to recite the lines off the cue cards. 

January 2010/2012

PS The remainder of these tapes are scheduled to be released in 2012. Goody-goody.

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