Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ding Dong Don tells a funny

At a press conference yesterday, Donnie Trump encouraged the Russian government to hack Hillary Clinton's emails drawing sharp rebukes from many and defenses from few.

Among the latter was Piers Morgan, whoever he is, who twitted the following defense of the Le Grande Dong: "Trump makes a funny, obvious joke about Russia going after Hillary's emails & U.S. media goes insane with fury. He plays them so easily...."
Sorry, sport. I watched that press conference. I watched it several times. I heard the comment. I'm at least as good as identifying humor* when I hear it as ThugNuts is. There was was nothing remotely funny about his supposed "joke". Not when it was delivered with his customary tone, that being a cross between a sneer and a snarl.
Go blow hard elsewhere, Trumpets. You're not fooling US.

* I am also Dong Dong's clear superior at nicknames that wound.
July 29, 2016

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm tripping. Please help!