Friday, July 22, 2016

Rise of The House of Trump

In this bloody week in the year of Oh My, Oh My! We the Puddle witnessed the rise of The House of Trump.

In this bloody week in the year of Oh My, Oh My, We the Puddle witnessed the emergence of The House of Trump. A royal oligarchy gifted by the paterfamilias to his wealthy, privileged, pretty and self-entitled off spring.

Daddy Ding Dong is doing for his brood what Vito Corleone could not do for Michael; shed the cloak of thuggery and make the family legitimate. They are leaving the sordid business of constructing luxury golf courses, bankrupting casinos and erecting elite palaces and moving on up.

Congressman Trump. Governor Trump. Senator Trump. President Trump. King Trump.

Donny “Thanks, Dad” Jr. is first in the line of succession. The only trip wire that can dump The Little Don is if the greasy kid stuff he slathers over his head causes early hair loss forcing him to borrow daddy Big Dong's comb over technique, a slap in the face to the weave and rug brigade that form a large part of their constituency. 

Next up we have Ivanka, Blondie of the Perfect Part and not so secret object of Daddy Ding’s desire for cupcakes. A Mistress of the Teleprompter who, in a demonstration of in-touchiness with the dreams of the everyday house wife, is on the bandwagon for equal pay for the sexes. While hardly a trailblazing position, any crumbly benefice bestowed upon We the Common by the Royal Lords of the Trump is to be accepted by US with gratitude.

This line of ascension assumes there are no vipers or usurpers among this notoriously litigious clan.

How long will Eric the Younger be satisfied consigned to polishing the family jewels he's destined never to own? He's smart! He knows things! Is it enough for The Kid to be always a Baron, never a Duke or Earl, President or King?

What to make of Tiffany, Daughter of the exiled Maples, who didn't merit a thank you at the convention? 

Last, but by no means least, is the Viceroy Kushner, the Machiavellian man-boy of no substantial experience, son of a felon and real estate heir, consort to Princess Blonde From a Bottle whose public voice is shrouded in silence and policy portfolio is broad beyond any measure of reason. This is the guy who is charged with forging peace in the Mideast,  solving the nation's opioid crisis, paving the way for the Mexican wall, reform veteran's health care and the criminal justice system, manage diplomatic relations with China (including securing valuable patents for his sister's business) and oh yeah, manning the tiller with the Russians while managing his own sizable real estate debts to the oligarchs. And that's just for Tuesday.   

Will any of them be the usurper to pour poison in the King's ear? Stay tuned while the ratings go through the roof. 

This a family of unbounded grifters of reckless and cynical ambition, weary of being limited by the bonds of the same old real estate, golf course and casino hustle and determined to take its’ self-ordained place at the head of the line being served the very first piece of cake. 

HL July 22, 2016

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