Friday, September 14, 2018

Don the Weather Man

You Don't Need a Weather Man to Know Which Way the Wind Blows Department. If Hurricane Florence weakens and the loss is less than feared, Trump takes the credit. If the storm is bad and the loss is great, he gives himself an A+ and blames US. Either way, We the Peeps get a chance to buy the super duper, all weather force shield TRUMP emblazoned umbrella. It slices, it dices, it sings the Star Spangled banner while dancing the Hora and, when the rains come, converts into a boat paddle for that special occasion when your knee deep and up the creek and your yacht has run aground. Yes, all this can be yours for the special low, low price of only $65.00 +S/H of $99.99. Buy now and he will throw your very own roll of Bounty paper towels at you to mop up the flood waters while waiting for the posse to arrive.

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