Wednesday, April 22, 2015

More than Mad, completely Cracked and definitely Sick: it's Naturally Zapped, Mister!

The literature depicted below may have broken certain societal taboos (pot is good, sex is fun, authority is a real drag, man), or it may have been utterly without socially redeeming value but, for a certain portion of the young and (I'm guessing), mostly male population, this was the first comical view into the truly illicit goings on of the hippie culture and oh, man, was it ever groovy. Keep on Truckin' indeed; just don't admit it to your children!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A dash of Voltaire

"A feast not only of wit and eloquence but of warm friendship, humane feeling, and incisive thought." - Will and Ariel Durant on Voltaire's Letters