Sunday, January 10, 2021



Harold Levine

January 10, 2021
Shared with Public
As we approach the denouement, and Trump leaves the White House for the last time,* I recall several core beliefs that sustained me these past 4 years. Among them:
1. Peace loving people of good will outnumber those of evil intent.
2. The Federal Judiciary can be trusted to uphold the law. (Bingo).
3. The self-destructive man will always fulfill the design of his own nature.
4. When the pressure reaches its zenith, every coward quits.
5. Trump is a self-destructive coward who will never complete his term of office. (You read it here first!)
6. If we can't find comedy in the midst of tragedy, we haven't got a prayer. (That’s science.)

* Update: The Trumps left the White House 10 days later. To date, they have not been invited back. HL 12.26.22