Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Crucial Struggle of Our Age

The crucial struggle of our age is whether the collective will that aspires to the nobler impulses of humanity are powerful enough to prevail over the residual savagery that wallows in unreasoning bigotry, hatred, brutality and the inevitable descent into chaos and decay to which that leads. Which of these impulses prevails will be determined in this, or some succeeding generation, by whether we, as individuals and through our representative institutions and governments, identify and honor a common commitment to justice and equality founded and forged upon a mutual determination to elevate civilization beyond barbarism. 
HL 3/2012

UPDATE May 3, 2017
The way I figure it, when Armageddon arrives, the final battle between the forces of good and evil will be waged by the last remaining earthly champion and villain. At this critical crossroads in our teetering civilization, the leading contenders to represent the forces of evil are Darth Vader, who, being not of this world, is disqualified from destroying it, the usual suspect, Kaiser Sozee, in recognition of his greatest trick, convincing the world the devil does not exist, and of course, The Thug Who Trumps Them All who, as far as I can tell is that very devil.

Who among us will champion the good guys is presently unknown, but I nominate The Lone Ranger since he never hangs around to be thanked and that will come in handy since there will be no one else left to applaud after he whips Thugnut Trump's ass. Hi-Ho, good guys!

1 comment:

Nantucket Girl said...

Even if it's by your words, like daggers into his bloated id,
Even if that's what you primarily did
You've stood apart from us doing the "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot."
Histrionics is not what you give in to.
Brilliant, insightful thought, albeit disturbing quite often, is.
Did I tell you The Usual Suspects is one of my favorite all-time movies?
When you posted this, I was getting sick and wouldn't learn for two weeks after
that,as I was given back my cell phone, finally, that you noticed I hadn't been
writing at all. How much it touched me then, you can't know, H.
From then to now, reading this during a severe summer thunderstorm,
metaphorically like our restless, tumultuous country..
Your eloquence is the sunshine. Until the next storm, coming more frequently now.
Drop the mic.