Thursday, June 28, 2012

SCOTUS upholds health care Law; POTUS wins again!

Bingo! Individual Health Care Mandates are upheld by 

the Supreme Court and this Lawyer's Faith in the Federal Judiciary is (somewhat) restored!

And in the "Them That's Got" category, Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor prove they can't count by immediately announcing they will schedule a Congressional vote to repeal what has been dubbed Obama Care (embrace it, Barry!)* 
Meanwhile, Mittsy vows to repeal when elected (insert guffaw here) and then sends Jeeves to the market to buy all the Earl Grey he can afford for the next tea party.

The full text of the opinion can be found in the link below:


* This became the first in a series of sixty (60!) unsuccessful Republican votes to repeal during the Obama administration. These same folks, (with the exception of the unlamented Cantor, supported a health care bill that earned the approval of 17% of the public proving that some people can't take a pulse. Or find one.    3/20/17

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