Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sarah Palin won't let me

Sarah Palin will not let me comment on her FB screeds unless I click her “like” button first. Hmm. Have I ever told a pretty dim gal that I like her just to get inside her, umm…head? Memory fails, so this must be virgin territory. But this twit has gotta be told. So, I'm clicking “like” and launching a full frontal assault. Next stop: the battlefield, where I plan to be embedded deep inside her soft, empty brain pan. August, 2010

This FB post received a number of responses. Most folks accepted it as no more than an attempt to skewer a political figure who has attracted her share of derision. A few took it as an opportunity to heap more vitriolic criticism at the target of the jest. A smaller number took offense at what was perceived as mean spiritedness. This response was to the latter few.

To them, I wrote: I don't think it is mean in the slightest.  I consider it satire, whether finely etched or not, and in at least as good taste as when Palin or any other politician or commentator lampoons their favored opposition target before an audience on a regular basis.

I find it more troubling that someone with a national forum precludes me from responding to any of her Facebook comments unless I click a button that says I "like" her, thereby enabling her to count me as a friend and thus supporter, and implying my approval of her views .

I think mine was a rather mild mannered response to someone whom I believe to be among the most divisive and dangerous politicians on the public stage today.  Because she so truly concerns me, it is worth a few minutes of my time to speak out, whether with tongue in cheek or more bluntly.

Palin's a big girl with a powerful base and a free public forum.  If she chooses to position herself as a spokesperson for a myriad of views, then she ought to be willing to engage in dialogue with those who challenge those views. Since she has set the rules of the game such that she can ignore my criticism unless I am willing to pay her price, it's clear that she doesn't give a damn what I think unless it is on her terms. I find that to be mean, narrow minded and tiresome.

If you disagree or if it's simply not to your taste, feel welcome to block it. Palin does.

PS As a point of information, anyone can comment on President Obama's FB postings, pro or con, without first registering one's "approval". In contrast, Eric Cantor's blog, to cite another example with which I am familiar, only allows the posting of favorable comments. Make of that what you will.

August 23, 2010 

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