Saturday, December 3, 2011

Au revoir, Herman. It was a grand joke while it lasted

Ya gotta feel just a little sorry for Herman Cain. After all, the fella just wanted to sell a few books, maybe score a gig as a talking head opining on a buncha things he knew nothing about and maybe squeeze a little forbidden fruit on the side.

Betcha his pizza to your dollars he no more believed the preposterous notion that he would be elected President of the US than anyone in their right minds ever did.
Now look what happened.  An ill wind has cast him as Captain on The Ship of Fools where the price of passage was that he display his less than lily white undies. He had to have a kitchen pow-wow with the Missus, with whom he probably hasn’t had a truthful conversation since the day before they married and now she's in full throated Caine mutiny; his kids get to roll their eyes and look at him sideways every time he tries to drop a dollop of fatherly advice on them, the mistress is gonzo, and his book is headed straight to Remainderville. 
Oh well.  There’s always the Fox gig where he gets to wear a microphone and try to steer a logical thought from his brain pan to his mouth – at least until Rick Perry turns up in the audition room.

December 3, 2011

1 comment:

jeffrey jacobs said...

you nailed it: The technology today, hastens the would be republican emperors to disrobe and share their wisdom, which is akin to standing naked in front of Barbara Bachman without new cloths, but with their thumb up their holes, massaging the hemorrhoids that they use to expound on the three things they'd change...can you say Rick Perry. Can you say Texas elected this twit their governor...I still can't believe Bush Jr. was elected TWICE! Flori-duh recount 2000 fiasco. Wonder who was our gov back then-not. If anyone wonders what I think, they only need tune to Keith Olbermann. He has integrated and upgraded comedy and contempt. "I like Ike" will need a comeback to unseat Obama, or maybe Bedtime For Bonzo