Saturday, December 3, 2011

I would rather be a blog than a twit

I would rather be a blog than a twit
I would rather be a blog than a twit
cause what I want to write, it just won’t fit.
140 characters is a mighty tight tweet
for we who revel in verbiage, 'tis often less than neat. 
Squishing e’ry word we're forced to choose
'til our truest purpose is what we lose.

Nor do Facebook’s strictures send me to the stratus,
A mere 409 spaces can not express my status.
Tossing pebbles in the pond to watch spreading ripples
Is the best way I know to get my giggles.

So it’s on this blog my muse may be found.
I sincerely hope my friends will come round
to share thoughts, silly, sublime and, on occasion, profound.
With all the words in the world to share
what we see, feel and think.
So, if you care to join me, here is the link.

UPDATE #2 Five years ago this month, I decided I would rather be a blog than a twit.  
I am convinced Twitter is a major factor in the “dumbing down” of information dissemination and the rapid coarsening of public discourse. Blogging, on the other hand, provided me with a warehouse to store and display the talents of many great artists while protecting my own musings, jokes and jottings from the proprietary claims of Facebook.
After hundreds of posts and more page views in more countries than I ever imagined possible at the outset, I can truly say I have enjoyed sharing every slice of humor, shard of thought, sharp or dull, and lots of looney tunes with loads of folks. 
I remain deeply disconcerted and angered that my computer and postings were interfered with during the last Presidential campaign. I’m not sure why or how I was singled out, but it impressed upon me how deeply pervasive and intrusive Big Brother - in this case, the Russian form - really is. 
At least now I know what a logarithm is.
(Let’s see … I wrote it down somewhere … oh yeah – here it is.  “log·a·rithm ˈlôɡəˌriT͟Həm,ˈläɡəˌriT͟Həm/ noun: a quantity representing the power to which a fixed number (the base) must be raised to produce a given number.”  I have no idea what that should have do with mucking with my computer but then, I don’t do arithmetic).
Five years later, I look up from my play toy to find that tweeting is the preferred means of mass communication while substantive reading has become as passé as 8-track tape decks. This deplorable state of affairs has been accelerated by the inveterate use of twitter by the Fraud Who Would Be King.
As much I loathe the thought, the reality is that if I have something to say publicly to or about Thug Trump, a man who rarely and barely reads, I will have to reduce my comments to the length of a 140-character tweet, cast proper grammar and thoughtful sentence construction aside and reduce every idea and expression to the level of the simple and purely juvenile and stupid.
However much that notion offends me, it’s now the way of the world and it’s time for me to get aboard.
I may continue to share periodic blog posts but today I will be signing up for a twitter account and using it to launch my fusillades against the Powers That Presume, all the while knowing that I really would rather be a blog than a twit.
December 13, 2017. HL  


Beth Lloyd said...

Finally! Happy to see you here and I will be back soon to see what pebbles you tossed in, Harold.

Anonymous said...

Hey - this is starting to fill up with interesting stuff. A kind of curated library of irreverence (and yeah sometimes reverence).

Keep the music coming too !

Anonymous said...

keep up the music is right!