Dean James III is the publisher of at least two internet blogs. One of them is America's Freedom Fighters. He has more than two million followers, all of whom support Ding Dong Don and hate Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, me and most likely, you with every fiber of their beings.
I don't know what the business about my name not being attached to my comment is about. Dean and I have communicated before and I never hide my identity from him or anyone. I don't have to 'cause I'm proud of what I do.
Dean's comment speaks for itself. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
"Idk how the fuck you made a comment with no fucking profile name or profile pic (so i cant ban u for being a fucking killary supporter or part of killarys regime) do you not understand that i dont give a fuck what your opinion is on this? My opinion will not change I am from Arkansas I know what the clintons are I know where their body count started..... Have a great day! Well fucking played as well for whatever reason my facebook app shuts down every fucking time i try to comment directly to you fucking government trolls get a fucking life who ever you are that made this comment! FY"
I then turned to his counterpart, Sean Brown. Sean also has two websites and another two million followers. Like Dean, he routinely re-posts a great deal of Breitbart News posts. I have asked repeatedly if his blog is sponsored by Breitbart, He refuses to respond. That's OK, I know the answer. Of course it is.
Sean and I have communicated many times. He calls me plenty of names too, but usually stops with "idiot", "retard" and "fool".*
* Last week, Sean added, "dick" to the list of adjectives he has used to describe me.
* Yesterday, he added the adjective, "asshole".
This is how Sean divides his countrymen.
"You know, the Democrats love to call Republicans the “party of hate,” but let’s boil this down and see who’s really the hateful ones, shall we? Here’s the Democrats’ loyal base (I’m not talking about the autonomous drones who show up and vote Democrat, but those actively promoting the party):
- Minorities who hate white people,
- Guilty white people who hate white people
- Gays who hate straight people
- Environmentalists who hate fossil fuels
- Feminists who hate men
- Marxists who hate America
- Poor people who hate rich people
- Muslims who hate Christians and Jews
- Atheists who hate all religions
- Illegal aliens who hate Americans
- Miscreants who hate morality
- Anarchists who hate the law
- Criminals who hate police
- Hippies who hate the military
- Politicians who hate the people they serve.”
But if you want to know who the real deplorables are, step behind the gracious sheen of their charming front men, read what gets posted in response to their comments.
The river of madness in this nation is deep, wide and moving very fast.
1 comment:
They are extremist hate sites. I don't care who you vote for, just understand these sites are paid for to forward an agenda and will lie cheat and steal to do so. Don't believe their "facts". It's 75 percent false. These guys are extremely bias and are paid to lie.
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