Friday, December 9, 2011

Waltzing through this world

In my waltz through this world, there have been beloved family, favored friends and welcome comrades who have walked along the promenade and fought upon the ramparts. 

If I am provided the grace of time to reflect, they all shall be most fondly remembered when the music ends with a bow before the Lord of the Dance.

(That does not include, of course, them mean lookin’ varmints staring at me sideways from 'round the corner, twistin' their handlebars, spinning their revolvers and a-fixin’ to make off with the loot!) 12.9.11

Updated November 9, 2016

To  those who were committed to the candidacy of Hillary Clinton and/or spoke out against the vile specter of Donald Trump, I am proud to have stood alongside you and to know that we stood for justice and decency for US all. 

To those who supported Donald Trump and who wanted to "take back America", now you will learn who we are - and we are not going away.

I am deeply disappointed by those who are morally offended by this repugnant bully yet choose to stand silent. 

For Mrs. Clinton, Mr. President, Mr. Biden and your families, thank you for your dedication and service to the nation. I am sorry we could not do more for you. 

For my country, I am sad, ashamed and frightened. 


Beth Lloyd said...

This is what you looked like 30 years ago and this is what you look like today. Share your youthful secrets.

Anonymous said...

A time machine would explain a lot hmm?

The Mad Ad-der said...

Thank you for this, Harold! I'm proud to side with you in every respect. Best, Diana