Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stump Green Stein for America. She Blends So Well With Tea

UPDATE: WAIT A MINUTE! It's 4 days to the election, Nader's off the ballot, towed away to the junkyard, sidelined like some broken down car too old and in the way to keep the pace. Now, who am I going to vote for? Back to the quickie On the Issues.Org quiz. Let's see ... I vote to the left ... I vote to the left ... I vote one step toward the middle for balance and I vote to the left ...AHA! I have my candidate!

Off with these timid, tepid, middle of the road moderate Democrats like Barry and Joe. Fie upon that now you see him, now you don't, where he's stand nobody knows, Willow Man and Paulie, The Boy Wonder.

PS In the teach your children well department:  On the same day of my conversion, the freshman class of Brookline High School, that resides well within the geographic cocoon of the Romney campaign operation, held its' own mock vote and what do you know? Jill Stein won by an overwhelming margin followed by the President of the United States and trailed by a great and grand distance by the rarely lamented, barely missed Mittens Romney.
November 2, 2012

February, 2012

Now if you're feeling lost, cross and bickerish and don't know which Presidential candidate is your favorite  licorish, here's a dandy little quiz you can take to tell you just what you think and what you oughta do about it: On the Issues.Org Yes, this simple quiz will not only tell you what you think, feel and believe but it will match you with your perfect candidate even if that individual is not running for anything. I just took it and things worked out pretty well with Ralph Nader outpacing runner up Joe Biden and Barry O. and Hillary tied for third. What The Consumer Advocate was doing on the ballot I don't know, so I'll have to wait for him to tell me where he's throwing his weight around this time and if he's in the mood to play spoiler one more time (GORRRRE!).

Rounding out my field in order of our shared views:
Jon Huntsman, (OK, I understand);
Rudy Guilliani (well, we could talk Sox/Yanks);
Ron Paul (I do enjoy a Maverick);
Sarah Palin (it's not a scientific poll, y'know);
Moonbat Bachman; (see above);
and in the Meltdown; distinctions not cost effective department:
Tim Pawlenty;
Haley Barbour,
Rick Perry,
Mitt Romney (how could they know I'm allergic to Brylcreem?),
Rick Santorum, (I prayed for a result like this); and
Newt (I'm proud of myself).


1 comment:

Lea said...

Okay then Harold. Now tell us how you REALLY feel. ;-/)