Friday, February 17, 2012

Romney to Detroit: Let 'em go bankrupt!

Memo to Mitt: Another in a continuing series of advice and comment upon Mittsy's campaign, offered in the fervent hope that he successfully wades through the frothy mix of santorum that now stands between him and the nomination so that I can relish the spectacle of this bloodless twit trying to master that strange foreign language, "Regular American Joe". 

Oh, Mitt! If I were running in the Michigan primary and had opposed President Obama's government bailout of of the automotive industry in 2009, with an argument appearing under the headline: "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt", 

and then learned that GM was reporting profits of $7.6 Billion (as in Billion) in 2011, I would shut up about my business credentials and remind everyone that I grew up in Michigan, too. 

Of course, if I did, I would use a photograph that was taken in Michigan instead of atop a helipad at the 1964 New York World's Fair.  And I wouldn't be driving a car that was made in Canada. Either this guy is a bad businessman, which, given his loot, ain't likely, or he's one real bad politician. 

Either way, I think we've got the picture by now, Mitt. You're just one of those guys who can't give it to us straight but if you get the chance, you're gonna give it to us good.

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