Thursday, February 23, 2012

Remember the Alamo!

The Siege of the Alamo began 179 years ago this week. It lasted for 13 days (February 23- March 6, 1836) before the Mexican forces of Santa Ana, numbering more than 3,000 overran the 189 man garrison, breached the walls and killed them one and all. 

I first learned the story through Walt Disney, Fess Parker and John Wayne and I don't care how romanticized or fictionalized those or any other versions may have been. I don't care if in real life, Davy Crockett tried to surrender or if Jim Bowie was too drunk to get off his cot and fight. I'll even forgive the fact that Laurence Harvey, (an English guy!) played Colonel Travis in the movie. It's an inspiring story of courage - and it's got a great theme song. 

Take it away, Marty Robbins!

Ok, You too, Donovan, even if you don't sound like no cowpoke I ever he'erdof. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Davy Davy Crockett King of the wild frontier