Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Arizona shootings four years later - an ugly truth

On the first second, third fourth fifth,sixth, seventh  eighth anniversary of the Arizona shootings that resulted in six (6) dead, including John Roll, a Federal District Court Judge, and nine year old Christina-Tayor-Green and ended the career of Gabrielle Gifford's career, here’s what Second Amendment remedies looks like.

A nine year old girl dead. A Federal judge dead. A congressional staffer is dead. Three others are dead. Another dozen wounded including Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, who, months earlier had implored Sarah Palin, among others, to tone down their inflammatory rhetoric (including the use of cross-hair targets) in political ads, continues to recover from the bullet that was fired into her brain. All for no earthly reason other than that we are a gun crazed country filled with too many untreated mentally ill and too many irresponsible loons with evil souls. 

The carnage goes on unabated and still, there is not one single, high profile politician in the entire country - not one - with enough courage to risk taking on the gun lobby. That’s a very ugly truth.

HL 1/11, updated 1/12, 1/14, 1/19

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