Sunday, January 22, 2012

Newty's the real Rootie Tootie

A compadre of great wisdom and insight asks “Can someone explain to me how Newt Gingrich, who was a Congressman from the late 1970s to the 1990s, when he resigned due to ethical questions, has re-invented himself as a non-politican candidate?"

Of course I can.

Newt the Toot offers all that we could ever want in a national soap opera.  Sex, lies, intrigue, corruption, treachery, skulduggery, tons of $$$ and a fearless leading man ever willing to leap onto every podium and into every fray with a grenade in his hand, the pin in his teeth and announce to one and all, “watch this!” 

Who could ask for anything more?

HL 1/22/12

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