Friday, January 27, 2012

Lamb Chop delivers lessons in life and politics to Charlie Horse.

"Thirty five Presidents, all men and not one could do the job right".
If they had gotten just one girl, she would have been enough" Lamb Chop to Charlie Horse 1962

There are not many celebrities, large or small, old, young or down under that I'm not willing to poke with a giggle or a stick. But from what I know, Shari Lewis was a gracious, talented lady whose greatest gift was that she spoke to children without talking down to them. So, out of respect for Ms. Lewis, I am setting the jokes aside. (On the other hand, the woman did spend much of her life talking to socks and buttons).


Harold D. Levine said...

Lest we forget that Lamb Chop was a crusader for truth, justice and equality.

Anonymous said...

Right on lamb chop.

Anonymous said...

GO Lamb Chop. But maybe that's how we lost our minds and turned to hallucinogens later
growing up with the likes of that.

Anonymous said...

Now, that's entertainment!

Lea said...

Viewing this now I see how "adult" the theme was. Back then, age 10,
We just enjoyed it. Presenting ideas to kids in a respectful, clever manner,not
TalkIng down to them worked. They got it.